As per SteamDB, on Sunday there were 30,032,005 users online - a new all-time peak. Steam numbers have been rising since the pandemic began in 2020, with a previous peak of just under 30 million back in March this year. Watch on YouTube Eurogamer Newscast: Will Konami succeed bringing Silent Hill back from the dead? The most played game during this new concurrent players peak was Counter-Strike: Global Offensive with over 1.05 million players. Next was Dota 2 with over 750 thousand players and PUBG: Battlegrounds with over 440 thousand players. Apex Legends and Lost Ark round out the top five. Of course, not all of the 30 million online users were necessarily playing games - some were likely browsing the store or chatting in communities. And while they don’t appear in the top 10 most played games, the recent renewed success of Cyberpunk 2077, as well as the full release of indie hit Vampire Survivors and blockbuster Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, perhaps contributed to this new peak. The Steam Deck is also continuing to rise in popularity. These latest figures are also reflected on Steam’s new stats page.