This massive figure exceeded rival battle royales PUBG and Apex Legends which had a peak concurrent player count last night of 377,558 and 334,431, respectively. The game was only beaten by the Valve behemoths Dota 2 and Counter-Strike Global Offensive, which are only distributed via Steam. Annoyingly, thanks to Warzone’s integration into Modern Warfare 2, we can’t actually split the statistics between the two games, so the number of players on Warzone may have been slightly lower. Still, taking to account those playing the game on Battle.Net, PlayStation and Xbox consoles, it’s safe to say Warzone 2.0’s launch has been a success for Activision, despite ongoing server issues. Now, the question is how many of those players will stick around. In other Call of Duty news, players have figured out an easy way to unlock a weapon that’s controversially locked behind the new DMZ mode.